Tuesday, January 19, 2016

She Isn't Exactly Fran Drescher!

She isn't exactly Fran Drescher. There's no millionaire willing to hire her and no prospect of a future mate. In fact, you have to wonder if the story is more like the movie MRS. DOUBTFIRE than THE NANNY sitcom. But we now get to meet another blast from Barack Obama's past: his former nanny.

“Evie” was Barack Obama's caregiver during his formative years in Jakarta as Barry Soetaro. What makes “aunt Evie” so unique was that he/she/it was born a male but was a practicing cross-dresser. Supposedly Evie took great care not to let the impressionable Barry see him/her/whatever in drag. Though neighbors report seeing him/her/it leave the residence in drag on numerous occasions.

Struggles with the abuse of transgenders in Jakarta made Evie decide to stop cross-dressing years ago, but that was long after his/her/its time as a care giver.

The Associated Press did a story today on the issue of transgenders in Jakarta, which is how Evie ended up in the story.

It seems like most of the people on the President's fathers' side of the family tree are in dire straights. Last year his dear "auntie Zeituni" (Onyango) was deported out of the US. Of course, we know Obama is "all about the law" but gee, to just let this woman he speaks so fondly of in his memoir book get tossed under the bus seemed so harsh!

And then, theres his paternal grandmother, Sarah Obama, of Kogelo Kenya (the last time he saw her was 1995). She lives in stark poverty in a third-world country.

Why isn't the President trying to help these people who cared for him when he was young?

Isn't this the guy who pointed to his race multiple times during the last election? Isn't this the guy who reminded us that he didn't look like the rest of the guys on our currency? Oh, that's right. He was talking about powdered wigs, not race... (ermmm!)

With all of his pride in being an "African" American, one would suppose he would bring out these family members and others. But they seem to be left behind by the President.

If I were a black person in America, I would wonder whether or not a person who could forget their family and others who loved them, might not forget me as well. Racial affiliation or not.

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